Online Painting Lessons

Online Painting Classes

Learn from the Top 2% of Painting Teachers(Why Top 2%?)


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Our Online Painting Classes are here to make sure that your skill-set is in the process of fine-making and that you can develop your talent under the best painting techniques taught to you by the best. Learn Painting Online, through live training

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Pay as you go - 2 classes at a time

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About Online Painting Classes

How to learn painting for beginners?

The key is to understand the basic fundamentals of painting: the materials, brushes, tools, types of painting, drawing, color theory, composition. To get inspired by other artists’ work is really important. Picking up a canvas and start painting is always something that pushes you forward. Painting for kids usually starts with giving them the freedom to try various colors and brushes before guiding them. For adults, a certain amount of practical skills in terms of contouring and drawing will be helpful before beginning to paint. It is advised to get guidance from teachers to shape your right painting path. A handy tip for beginner painters is to get sketch pens, a book and start painting from real life. You could also practice proportions to further hone your art skills.

Why painting classes from ipassio?

ipassio provides online painting classes from some of the top artists in the world. Our acrylic painting, oil painting, coffee painting, and charcoal painting courses are suitable for kids and adults equally. These classes can be taken online via video conferencing while being seated at home. Our teachers will help you practice proportions, learn perspectives, structure, color theory and every other fundamental art skill required. Our teachers will advise students on what canvas, brush and paints to purchase as and when necessary. This will ensure that students purchase the right tools according to their skills.

Topics to be covered

Students will start their painting lessons with the foundations of color, values, edges and shapes. Art teachers will encourage students to try out various techniques and styles. It goes on to demonstrate how to create transparency, opacity, intensity or brightness by using colors. Various color contrast and attributes, such as interaction, harmony, psychology, mood will be covered during the lessons. Students will also be further taught about composition relating to balance, asymmetry, rhythm, shapes, proportion, and lighting. An in-depth understanding of the media and surfaces including acrylic, oil paints, wood, paper, and canvas, will be shared with the students. Painting history includes the history of major painting styles and masters.

Different styles of painting

The most common types of painting styles are acrylic painting, oil painting, watercolor painting, pastel painting, and oil painting. In watercolor painting, water is added to the pigment and the strokes of color are applied using different sizes of brushes. In oil painting, drying oil is used as a binder to the pigment. Acrylic painting is the most common, where the colors are mixed with water initially and finally are waterproof once applied. Pastel colors are most popular among kids where the colors are available in sticks. There are other styles like charcoal painting, coffee painting etc which are equally good.


What do I have to carry for the online painting classes?

Several painting supplies are there - starting from - paints, brushes, canvas/paper, a palette, palette knives, an easel, a water container, pieces of cloth, a pencil and sketchpad, and aprons. But you may or may not need all these. What you need to carry to the classes will depend on the medium you are working with. You can ask this question to the teacher during the free meeting and get proper guidance regarding this.

How effective are online classes as compared to offline painting classes?

Online classes offer the flexibility to learn from anywhere with an internet connection. This is particularly beneficial for individuals with busy schedules or those who may not have access to local art schools. It saves the time and money involved in commuting to an art class. The online classes connect you to the best teachers from across the world. It increases your opportunity to explore diverse mediums and styles that get limited if you go to a local art school.

Will the teachers just share an image and ask me to do it on my own or will they demonstrate it?

They will certainly demonstrate everything right from how to hold the pencil/ brush, to how to make the strokes to every minute detail that goes into completing the picture. And as it is, art is taught through demonstration. You can watch how the strokes are being made on the screen and follow the same on the paper. And since these are live and individual classes, you can clarify your doubts with the teacher during or even after the classes. The teachers are well accustomed to the pros and cons of teaching art online. They design their lesson plans accordingly.

How frequently will we have to submit assignments?

The classes will be held once a week for 45 minutes to an hour duration. There will be small assignments given at the end of every class that you have to bring to the next class.

What is the right age to get enrolled in online painting classes?

There is no age limit. Kids as young as 5 years to people in their 70’s - anybody can learn painting.

How ipassio works?

Pick your passion

Pick your passion

Ranging from music to creative arts, pick what you love!

Interact with an expert

Interact with an expert

Connect with your teacher over a free 1-on-1 video call to discuss your learning goals.

Set session schedules

Set session schedules

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Pay as you go

Pay as you go

2 classes at a time, with no long-term commitments.

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